
Jabee Williams will be our guest speaker on Sunday, January 19 as we celebrate MLK weekend. 

Jabee is a rap artist as well as a mover and shaker in the OKC community!

For the past few years he was the owner of a pizza restaurant on NE 23rd St. He is also an organizer for Juneteenth events on the eastside. He has had several acting roles and works to eradicate racism in society. 

According to MetroFamilyMagazine, he is the executive director of LiveFree OKC, which addresses community violence. The organization’s inaugural Peace Needs Conference in fall 2024 brought together city leaders, law enforcement and community violence intervention professionals to collaborate on ending gun violence.

“The main takeaway was the need for collaboration among leaders to create effective peace-building policies,” explained Williams. “We also need to understand why people are engaged in violence, which is often because of unmet needs, and figure out ways to intervene.”

You can read more about his rap and music career at his website: Bio - Jabee


The adult Sunday School class will be discussing disability and the church. The book "My Body Is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church" will guide our discussions.

"Written by a disabled Christian, this book shows that the church is missing out on the prophetic witness and blessing of disability. Kenny reflects on her experiences inside the church to expose unintentional ableism and cast a new vision for Christian communities to engage disability justice. She shows that until we cultivate church spaces where people with disabilities can fully belong, flourish, and lead, we are not valuing the diverse members of the body of Christ.

"Offering a unique blend of personal storytelling, fresh and compelling writing, biblical exegesis, and practical application, this book invites readers to participate in disability justice and create a more inclusive community in church and parachurch spaces. Engaging content such as reflection questions and top-ten lists are included."

We meet on Sundays at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall.